Migraine Symptoms and Treatment

Migraines are a neurological condition that presents with head pain, nausea, visual disturbances, and a seemingly endless number of other symptoms, which can range from irritating to debilitating. If you're one of the over 39 million Americans who suffer from migraines, you know exactly how much impact they can have on your life.

Not sure whether you get migraines? Check out this list of common symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe headaches
  • Generally on one side of the head
  • Generally throbbing or pulsing pain
  • Pain is worse with movement or light
  • Pain is accompanied or preceded by nausea or vomiting
  • Pain lasts 4-72 hours

How Dr. Katie Gross Can Help With Migraines

Dr. Katie Gross can help you get your migraines under control. Many migraine sufferers are desperate for relief. They've tried everything and don't know what else to do. Chiropractic care from an expert who works with migraine sufferers can be a lifesaver. The right kind of chiropractic care can lessen both the severity and the frequency of migraines. It can also help reduce a lot of the side effects that come with migraine, including other neurological symptoms. Correct alignment of the spine, especially the cervical spine or neck, has a major impact on the nervous system and on neurological conditions like migraine. Dr. Katie Gross uses a safe, painless technique called the Atlas Orthogonal Technique to achieve this proper alignment.

Benefits of Using the Atlas Orthogonal Technique

There are many benefits to the Atlas Orthogonal Technique. Basically, by adjusting the first bone in the spine--a bone known as the atlas vertebra or C1--the rest of the spine is gently encouraged to move into proper alignment. Just like with a chain, when the first vertebra is misaligned, the entire spine is prone to improper alignment and movement. Since there are so many nerves in the spine, this very easily impacts the entire body. For the Atlas Orthogonal Technique, Dr. Katie Gross will get images of your atlas vertebra from as many angles as necessary. Then, using a specialized device, she will gently realign the atlas vertebra, thereby greatly improving the alignment of your entire spine.


Here are a few of the best benefits to this technique:

SAFE:This technique is much safer than the more common high-velocity neck adjustments, which aim to accomplish the same thing. High-velocity adjustments can result in severe complications, especially in those who are hyper-mobile. The Atlas Orthogonal Technique is gentle and effective.

QUICK RELIEF: Because this adjustment immediately relieves some pressure on the nerves in the cervical spine, some patients get a nearly immediate sense of relief. It does take continued visits to train the body to stay in the proper position, but the immediate benefits are important, too!

MINIMAL INTERFERENCE, MAXIMUM RESULTS: Atlas Orthogonal Technique barely touches the skin, but it can improve the alignment and health of your entire spine and nervous system.

Seeing a Chiropractor for Migraines

When seeing a chiropractor for migraines, you should make sure that your chiropractor is used to working with patients with migraines. Look for a chiropractor who is an expert on gentle techniques like the Atlas Orthogonal Technique; methods that put too much stress on the neck can backfire, especially in patients who are prone to migraines. If you're actively suffering from a migraine at the time of your visit, please be sure to let your chiropractor know, especially if you suffer increased sensitivity to touch during your attacks.

Leaving Migraines Untreated

When migraines are left untreated for weeks or months, many patients find they are unable to carry out their daily work. Migraines can make it impossible to look at a computer or move around too much, and you may need to take an extended period of time off work. Working with a specialist to review your condition and create a treatment plan is the best way to stop migraines from taking control of your life.

Can Migraines Cause Permanent Damage?

A question that Dr. Katie Gross is often asked is, do migraines cause long-term damage? For the majority of people, migraine headaches won’t kill off brain cells, but there are some potential complications. In rare situations, migraines can lead to a stroke, but it’s important to note this is very rare. However, one of the most common side effects of a migraine is feeling like you can’t concentrate or your brain isn’t correctly wired for a few hours. This is sometimes referred to as a migraine hangover and can be a frustrating part of dealing with these. Even though the pain is gone, you might feel you can’t return to your work or concentrate still.

Dr. Katie Gross is a Westminster chiropractor who knows the benefits of realigning your spine in order to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines. She works with the atlas orthogonal technique, which is safe and pain-free for anyone dealing with regular migraines. You’ll find that this treatment might get to the root of the issues you are experiencing and help you to return to your previous quality of life.

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